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Yimeng Zhao

MSTP Fellow
Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan

zhaoyime (at) umich (dot) edu


Hometown: Rochester, Michigan


BS in Biochemistry, BS Russian Language & Literature

University of Michigan, 2018

Research interests: Research initially drew me in through my fascination with the elegant design of the Brainbow system, leveraging existing biological phenomena to produce stunning images of discrete neural networks. As I honed my clinical interests in medical school, I realized that the field of tissue engineering offered platforms well-suited to interrogating interventions for wound failure and burn. In the Baker lab, I hope to better understand the balanced choreography required for optimal wound healing. I plan to investigate the cellular synergy, chemotaxis, and mechanobiological cues that differ between healthy and pathological states. Through the design and evaluation of modular, tunable biomaterials for translational applications, I hope to contribute to the advancement of potential therapeutics and further interdisciplinary collaboration.

Outside of lab interests:  Visual and performing arts, linguistics, yoga, magic realism in film and writing, foreign policy podcasts. Mothering my plants and cats.


Fulbright Research Fellow to Russia 2019-2020

Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellow 2017, 2018




Using Artificial Intelligence to Gauge Competency on a Novel Laparoscopic Training System. CY Ryder MD, MSCR, NM Mott MD, MSCR, CL Gross MA, C Anidi BS, L Shigut MD, SS Bidwell MPH, E Kim BS, Y Zhao BS, BN Ngam MD, MJ Snell MD, BJ Yu BFA, P Forczmanski PhD, DSc, DM Rooney PhD, DR Jeffcoach MD, GJ Kim MD, FACS. Journal of Surgical Education, 17 February 2024.

Neural Lineage

Bitbow enables highly efficient neuronal lineage tracing and morphology reconstruction in single Drosophila brains. Y Li, LA Walker, Y Zhao, EM Edwards, NS Michki, HPJ Cheng, M Ghazzi, TY Chen, M Chen, DH Roosien, D Cai. Front. Neural Circuits, 20 October 2021.


The molecular landscape of neural differentiation in the developing Drosophila brain revealed by targeted scRNA-seq and multi-informatic analysis. N Michki, Y Li, K Sanjasaz, Y Zhao, FY Shen, LA Walker, W Cao, CY Lee, D Cai.
Cell Reports, 27 April 2021.

Infectious Disease

Impact of TB Prevention Measures and Capacity of TB Facilities on HIV/TB Incidence in the Russian Arctic. Z Zagdyn, V Tsvetkov, Y Zhao. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 10 February 2022.

Incidence of socially significant infectious diseases (HIV, TB and HIV/TB coinfection) in the Arctic regions of Russia)
Z Zagdyn, Y Zhao, V Tsvetkov, S Sleptsova, M Vinokurova, E Sokolovich, P Yablonskiy. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 18 August 2021.

MDR tuberculosis and HIV infection in the North-Western Federal District (In Russian) Z Zagdyn, Y Zhao, E Sokolovich, P Yablonskiy.
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 2 February 2021.

TB and HIV in the Russian Federation: Risk Factors of MDR-TB in HIV-infected Patients. Y Zhao, Z Zagdyn, M Pavlova, L Archakova, E Sokolovich, P Yablonskiy. Med. Alyans, 12 April 2020.

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